(Solved) - burn in MB s/n using DMI tool/utility (21 posts) All you need is basic DOS Skills and a bootable USB (all found on Google) and the DMIFIT tool and HPBQ138.EXE (also Google) from there you just have to boot to usb type HPBQ138 and fill in the correct info.
The DMI (Desktop Management Interface) Tool copies BIOS information to EEPROM to be used in the DMI pool for hardware management.
When the BIOS displays Verifying DMI pool data it is checking that the table correlates with the hardware before sending to the operating system (Windows, etc.).

To update the DMI Pool, perform the following steps:

- Boot into DOS.
- Execute dmitools. The following messages report to screen to confirm completion:
- dmitools /r > Read dmi string from bios
- dmitools /wm xxxx > Write manufacturer name to eeprom (max. 16 characters)
- dmitools /wp xxxx > Write product name to eeprom (max. 16 characters)
- dmitools /ws xxxx > Write serial number to eeprom (max. 22 characters)
- dmitools /wu xxxx > Write uuid to eeprom
- dmitools /wa xxxx > Write asset tag to eeprom (max. 32 characters) The following examples show the commands and the corresponding output information.
Read DMI Information from Memory Input:
dmitools /r Output:
Manufacturer (Typel, 0ffset04h): Acer
Product Name (Typel, 0ffset05h): Aspire xxxx
Serial Number (Typel, 0ffset07h): 01234567890123456789
UUID String (Typel, 0ffset08h): xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
Asset Tag (Type3, 0ffset04h): Acet Asstag
Write Product Name to EEPROM Input:
dmitools /wp Acer
Write Serial Number to EEPROM Input:
dmitools /ws 01234567890123456789
4 ). Write UUID to EEPROM ( Create UUID from Intel WFM20.pdf ) Input:
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dmitools /wu
Rebirth rb-338 vst download. 5). Write Asset Tag to EEPROM Input:
dmitools /wa Acer Asstag NOTE: When using any of the Write options, restart the system to make the new DMI data effective.
Using the LAN MAC EEPROM Utility
You can use the MAC.BAT utility to write the MAC.CFG file to the EEPROM under DOS mode.
1. Use a text editor (for example: Notepad) to open the MAC.CFG file. You can see the MAC.CFG contents as below:
Title= HAC Address byte WriteData='001122334455' Startfiddr=7fi WriteLeng=ö KeepByte=0
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WriteData = '001122334455' StartAddr=7A WriteLeng=6 KeepByte=0
MAC value MAC address MAC value length don't care
Acer Dmi Tools Download
2. In DOS mode, run the MAC.BAT file to write MAC values to eeprom.
Hp Dmi Tools Download
C : hflOmac . bat C:l1ftOeeproM u MAC.cfg Progress —> N Write Data to EEPROM OKff
Continue reading here: Disassembly Requirements
Hp Dmifit Tool Download
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Hp Dmifit
...................HP Notebook DMI Support Utility.pdf,12828,2009-05-16
................HP Consumer Notebook EEPROM utility.pdf,882415,2009-05-16